Trail Between Sun and Stars: An adventure game about a group of Travelers exploring a world that has long since stopped turning, adapting and assisting others along the way. Players make Journeys and craft Keepsakes in order to both learn about and shape the world around them.
Deadly Revelation: A murder mystery game about a group of talented individuals trapped in a mysterious place and forced to kill. Players must weigh working with and against one another in order to survive, learn the truth, and--with a little Hope--escape.
Heroes of Lite: A lightweight medieval fantasy game about characters taking up arms to fend off threats in grid-based tactical combat inspired by the Fire Emblem series. Players build their units using flexible, open-ended mechanics that are simple enough for beginners and robust enough for the genre-savvy.
The Masks We Wear: A modern fantasy game about a group of individuals awakening to mysterious powers that manifest as an alter ego. With lightweight gameplay inspired by the Persona series, characters form bonds that empower them as they crawl through dungeons, which can be random generated by a GM for easy setup and play.
Loo/per: A GMless storytelling game about breaking free of a time loop that has ensnared your Home. Uses playing cards to generate prompts that you--and if you choose, up to 3 other players--answer in order to define the world around you and determine your fate.
Dolls of Theseus: A little game about artificial humanoids and a path of self-discovery paved by a physically and mentally harrowing journey. For 1-4 players and 1 GM.
Skirmish of the Sorcière: A GMless, 1-3 player game about bombastic Witches dealing with a Disturbance in their home. Players use Tarot cards to deal with threats by blasting them, collecting Magic, and using that Magic to blast them again.
The OR8CLE: A GMless, 1-3 player game about a group of Oracles tasked with leading heroes to their victory... with the only caveat being that said Oracles are actually following the advice of a device that, as of late, seems to be prone to malfunction.
Work in Progress: A GMless, solo play, Tarot-based game about a Mad Scientist vowing to make the Greatest Monster anyone's ever seen, and the mishaps that the Scientist and their newly built Monster face in and around the lab.
Black Tea & My Saccharine Sweet Revenge: A GMless storytelling game designed for 1-4 players about exacting revenge on someone—or something—that has wronged you... if you can figure out who exactly your target is first.
Additional links to our games as a whole can be found below: