Initial Release Date: 11/25/2022 Current Version: 1.0 Recommended for: 1-4 Players Required Materials: A deck of Playing Cards; Paper and Pencils
You are a Looper–a being stuck in a time loop, watching yourself and your home repeat this one, forsaken week. Some loops, you nearly make it through all 7 days before beginning the week anew. Some, you only manage a single day, before being thrust back to the beginning. All loops have a single thing in common: Each loop ends–and thus, in a way, begins–with your, or another's, death.If you want your home to see beyond this week, each of you ill-fated Loopers must survive it.
Lo/oper is a GMless storytelling game about breaking free from a time loop that has ensnared your Home. You play as a Looper--one of the key players in this time loop--fighting and falling victim to your fate, the details of which you will determine during play by answering prompts based on the cards you draw.
Includes instructions of play, and printable character sheets for the four kinds of Loopers you can play as.
The online version of the game, made using StorySynth.
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Game Bundles
This game has been featured in the Solo But Not Alone 4, TTRPGs to Support HIV Children in India, Queer Games Bundle 2023, TTRPGs for Trans Rights in Florida, and the Solo But Not Alone 3 Game Bundles.